Il pioniere delle criptomonete Justin Sun ha offerto 4,57 milioni di dollari per pranzare con l’investitore miliardario Warren Buffett, che notoriamente si riferiva a Bitcoin come “probabile veleno per topi al quadrato”.
Il ventottenne Sun, che ha lanciato il token Tron o TRX nel 2017, ha presentato l’offerta vincente durante un’asta di beneficenza online di cinque giorni su eBay che si è conclusa venerdì sera

Cryptocurrency pioneer Justin Sun bid a record $4.57 million to have lunch with billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who famously referred to Bitcoin as “probably rat poison squared.”
The 28-year-old Sun, who launched Tron or TRX token in 2017, submitted the winning bid during a five-day online charity auction on eBay that ended Friday night.
Proceeds benefit the Glide Foundation, a charity in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district that serves the poor, homeless or those battling substance abuse.
Glide announced the winner in a release on Monday, with Sun confirming his winning bid on Twitter. (Reporting by Jennifer Ablan in New York)
